Here you can explore our mission’s roadmap, discover how we plan to tackle air pollution in Yerevan, and see how you can help at every stage.
How you can help:
Sharing our posts and petition with your network.
Distributing our flyers at schools, hospitals, universities and other public spaces.
Helping us connect with community leaders such as local influencers, activists, doctors and teachers who can play a significant role in spreading awareness and educating their network about the health impacts and clean air initiatives we strive for.
Help gather personal stories by reaching out to individuals in your community most affected by this crisis, to highlight the injustice they have faced.
How you can help:
Help launch public health announcements in collaboration with medical experts to highlight the severe health impacts of air pollution and encourage preventative measures.
Help grow our volunteer network to bring in more passionate individuals.
Facilitating small-group discussions to identify community-driven solutions (e.g. what public spaces need the most air-quality improvement efforts? Where do we need to focus our efforts?).
Suggest new ways to raise awareness.
How you can help:
Delivering our petition to government officials.
Meet with policymakers to discuss viable solutions.
Garner media attention to keep public pressure on decision-makers.
Attend rallies or public demonstrations.
Sharing updates from our advocacy efforts.
Write to local representatives demanding action.
How you can help:
Help raise money for air quality monitors in the most affected regions (for example Erebuni).
Help fundraise or donate toward purchasing air purifiers for schools and hospitals.
How You Can Help:
Regularly report on air quality.
Comment on the success of any implemented measures.
Expand the campaign’s reach to other cities.
Stay engaged by following our updates.
Share success stories to inspire others.
Join future campaigns in other regions.